Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rediscovering.... strep throat

This isn’t the happiest of updates since no one really likes to have strep throat. Lucky me though, the devil thought he would mess with my week and my body. Sucker, good thing I live by God’s Word and not by how I feel. It’s amazing how little things bring back memories.

When I was little I got strep all the time, I mean, I was that kid that missed a lot of school because of chicken pox, strep throat, tonsillitis, and I always thought my leg was broken but it never was. Dang. Anyway, my memory that popped in my head just now was when I would stay home from school in like third grade and eat rice krispie treats for breakfast, lunch and sneak one more in for dessert since mom was home by then. The special thing was that I would sit in the living room, the house completely to myself and watch…. The Lion King! I was obsessed with it, singing along with JTT, eat the rice krispie treats, and just be a dork. I would also listen to Hanson and pretend like I was at one of their concerts and they called me up on stage and then they fought over which one got me. Then I turned into a skankity and said that all three of them could date me. Oh, wait. That didn’t come until I was in middle school. Don’t judge me for watching Lion King and Pocahontas between “concerts” with Garth Brooks, Spice Girls, and Hanson.
It’s funny that now when I’m sick, all I want to do is lie down and do nothing. Though, I do suppose these days I could watch Glee over and over. (GLEEK)

Daily thought: Everyone deserves the right to think highly of themselves in confidence, not cockiness.

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