Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rediscovering.... peaches!

It's amazing how things take on an entirely new life when you are open to trying them. Granted, I will NOT start eating fish, the smell gags me, however, I will begin to partake in things that I have not in quite some time and things I never did.

This past weekend I was by the peaches in the grocery store and took a whiff of the heavenly scent and on a whim I picked one up. I was so proud of myself for several reasons: A. I have a serious texture problem. Certain foods and fruits will make me gag just from biting into them. B. Change for me is sometimes difficult. C. Little did I know it was going to spark a whole new mindset. Needles to say, I got home, washed it, cut it, ate it.... I loved it.

Now, it's funny how one thing in life can spark memories of other things in life. Eating the peach I thought of James and the Giant Peach, Princess Peach, Peach Wave (which I have yet to go to :( ), and the Peach House in Broken Arrow. Story about the Peach House.... When I was younger, and still now, I knew what I liked and what I didn't like and I wasn't about to let someone talk me into something. My mom's boss, and my middle school principal, took us all out to this place and I was in such a sour mood. I don't remember if I even ate. Looking back, now that I have a new found love of peaches, I'd like to go back. I think it's funny how we all shut down when it comes to the unkown, this is my attempt to open myself back up to new opportunities. I thin it's good to be cautious about new things but not to the point that before you even try it you say no.

I'm so excited for this new outlook on life and getting to chronicle it. It's a way to see growth and change. I'm 26 years old and I feel like it is never too late to do new things. Keeping in mind.... I'm not this daredevil of a woman, but I'm embarking on a "scary" new adventure.

Thought of the day: Sometimes being caught off guard can be good for you.

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